Wakeup: 6:00
Hours slept: 5:26
Cumulative Miles: 39.8
Miles: 39.8
Time: 5:45:55
Calories: 1773
Ascent: 1089.2
Rode with: Sarah and Rae at beginning (sweeps)
Breakfast was again provided and much appreciated. We were about ready to head out. Of course, there is a lot of cleaning to do when 28 people stay in one place for a few days. We like to leave hosts better than we found them, so we all spent a while making sure it was spotless. Then, we had our route meeting, which consists of the plan for the day, where lunch will be, who's driving the van, who the last riders are (sweep), etc. The pastor sent us off with an awesome prayer.
Natalie! |
I don't really trust other cyclists when I don't know how they ride. Bike & Build attracts a lot of new people to the sport, so I'll give everyone a couple days while I start observing their riding style to get used to them. I found the local Charleston ReStore and Habitat office, so I stopped for a photo.
Sweep caught up and we snapped a few. I took off again and found a yard sale. Sweep joined in again. Next I found a duck pond and tried feeding some ducklings and their parents. There were a lot of geese in the area, too, and they appeared to be super territorial. Rachael got three flats on the first day, so I didn't hang out with sweep after I passed Rachael the first time. She was very positive about it. She was very happy a lot of people stopped to help and pitch in.
Rae and Sarah at a vegetable garden we found. |
Lunch! |
Found a second yard sale and a neighbor is trying to sell his bike. |
Call him. |
Came across a memorial for a cyclist on the side of the road. |
The host! |
The church offered to let us keep this guy. Too bad we don't have room. |
On laundry crew this week. |
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