
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

One Month to Go!

The Purdue road races were this weekend, and I finally broke into the top ten!
I owe my friends and family for cheering for me around the course. They provided some serious motivation when I was cramping up. Tip of the day: avoid flavored oatmeal before a race. It won't end well. I had races on Saturday and Sunday. Sunday I had to drop out of the race the oatmeal was so bad. Never again.

In other news, I decided to use my own bicycle for Bike and Build. Normally, Bike and Build gives you a bike to use during the summer, and they let you keep it. There are advantages and disadvantages to using a personal bike, but I decided mostly for two reasons. I get a $450 credit for my  fundraising, and well, let's face it. My bike is better - at least that's what my cycling club friends said, and I trust them.

I also am realizing there is a greater cost than just the $4500 fundraising. 4000 miles puts a lot of wear and tear on a bike. The local bike shop (Hodson's Bay) had a big sale this weekend, so I stocked up to repair my bike along the way:
brake pads
cleat covers
cables and housing

Kristina and I did a fundraiser at Walmart after my race. We pulled in about $106 in 3.5 hours by asking people for dollar donations. This was our most successful fundraiser so far. We tried this on campus and at a park in Cincinnati. It seems that when we ask for a dollar, people realize they can afford it, and they donate. 

I am now over $3000! I have a fundraiser at Hodson's in a couple weeks, and I will also have a few minutes at church to talk about this summer.

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